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Creating A Healthy Food Environment Can Be As Easy As Setting The Dining Room Table!

Did you know that people make more than 200 food-related decisions today? … and 90% of these food decisions we are not even aware that we are making them – Dr. Brian Wansink

A Little Nutrition Registered Dietitian Whitney Harms was on Global TV Winnipeg morning news today and talked about how our food choices are mostly influenced by our environment.

Watch the replay above!


Whitney Harms, Winnipeg Registered Dietitian at A Little Nutrition


If you are concerned about your relationship with food, or how your environment is playing a role in your food decisions, I recommend you working with one of our Nutrition Coaches to help you repair your relationship with food. We offer the Craving Change (TM) program here in Winnipeg with our certified registered dietitians, and also via Skype.


Craving Change Program Winnipeg Manitoba

Understand WHY you eat the way you do

Learn to MANAGE emotional eating habits

CHANGE your thinking, change your eating

Craving Change (TM) is a workshop that helps people change their eating habits by changing their thinking habits. Written by clinical psychologist Dr. Colleen Cannon and registered dietitian Wendy Shah, Craving Change™ is the #1 cognitive-behavioural program for problematic eating in Canada.

Saying “no” to temptation takes more than willpower. It’s about learning and practicing new ways of thinking and behaving.

The Craving Change™ approach has redefined healthier eating expertise by focusing on the more important question of why we eat the way we do. Most of us know that eating an apple is healthier than eating chocolate cake, so why do we often choose the cake despite our best intentions?

Throughout these sessions you will learn and understand:

  • Why it’s hard to change eating habits
  • Identify personal triggers for problematic eating
  • Learn to respond to food triggers differently
  • How to maintain changes made

Click here if you are interested in changing your relationship with food!

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