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 Instead of setting New Years resolutions this year, I want to help people form healthy habits.

It got the opportunity to go on Global Winnipeg this week to talk about one of my biggest passions, and that is forming healthy habits! 

Resolutions and setting goals rely on motivation, inspiration, will power, and self-discipline. This can be hard to find when getting started. This is usually what holds people back from achieving their goals.

Forming good habits is fairly easy to do, and once it becomes part of your life, you won’t notice it, or find it difficult.  

You have to start small, and break it down.

Have a listen to my interview! I uploaded it our meal planning podcast The Get Meal Prepped show. 



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As mentioned, you have to start small, and break it down.

For example, someone might want to break the bad habit of eating out for lunch at work during the week. That can be pretty hard if they have gotten used to doing this over the years. 

The best way to break this bad habit is to form a new habit, like cooking up extra supper and packing it up for lunch the next day. You can pair this habit with your kitchen clean up and lunch is done. No more hurrying around in the morning and deciding to just pick up lunch during the day. 

When you track your success it becomes more motivating. For everyday you do your task, put an X on your calendar. Eventually you will form a chain. Then, the key is to not break the chain …but if you do, just don’t break the chain twice.

Some other great healthy habits that you can track are:

  • Have 2 cups of veggies at lunch and supper
  • Have a balanced snack 2 hours before supper every day
  • Stay hydrated by carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day.
  • Use smaller plates for your meals
  • Choose an orange and green vegetable every day
  • Choose to implement meatless Monday week

The key to forming lasting habits is to make task or habit small and easy to achieve, but meaningful enough to make a difference.

Get our Healthy Habit tracking tool and start tracking the habits you want to form! 



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Here is how to use the tool:

1. Set a schedule for your actions and stick to it 
2. Pick a date to shift you from motion to action.

REMEMBER! Action, is the type of behavior that will get you a result 
Don’t break that chain! If you do break the chain, start over or just don’t break the chain more than twice in a row. 

“At some point, the pain of not doing it becomes greater than the pain of doing it.” – Steven Pressfield

“It is easier to change than to stay the same” 

Example: It’s easier to pack your lunch than to eat out and get mad at yourself for wasting time, money and eating unhealthy. 

By incorporating small, meaningful changes into your life, you are:

-Creating a habit you can maintain
-Doing something achievable
-Gaining CONFIDENCE and COMPETENCE in ONE behaviour at a time
-Creating a catalyst towards BIG results over a longer period of time. 

If you have any questions, send me an email at


Do you need help with meal planning or how to plan healthy balanced meals that energize?

Susan Watson, nutrition coach meal plan program in Winnipeg online


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