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Summer is finally here!

Many of our clients feel like their eating falls off track during the summertime.  This is due to a shift in what I like to call “seasonal eating patterns”.

We’ve dug out the BBQ, and are ready to fire it up with a completely different set of meal ideas (compared to our wintertime slow cooker recipes).

For many of us, the summertime is also a time to have backyard parties, go camping or spend time at the lake. Often these seasonal shifts influence our eating.  Today I want to share with you some healthy summer ideas you can try to keep you on track. 

5 Tips For a Healthy Summer BBQ

  1. Watch the sauce.

Now, what is BBQ season, without BBQ sauce! BBQ sauce is often used to add flavour and smoke to meat, but it can be full of sugar and salt. We often layer the sauce on during the cooking process adding on layer after layer. At this point, nobody knows how much sauce may be on that chicken. Instead, cook your meat until it is almost done, then spread the sauce on with a brush, rotate and spread sauce on the other side to finish off the dish.

  1. Bring your own side!

If your attending the event at someone else’s house offer to bring a side. Whip up a quick Greek quinoa salad or try this apple and almond quinoa salad or if in a pinch a vegetable tray from the store (skip the high calorie dipping sauce often included). Bringing a healthy side gives you a healthier option, and I’m sure the other guests will appreciate it to.

  1. Skip the sugary dessert.

It’s okay to have ice cream every once in awhile, but if you are having a potluck or BBQ event every weekend, it is time to find another desert option. Opt for grilled fruit. Pineapple, watermelon, and peaches are all great ways to start. After grilling you can top them with shredded coconut, almonds, or drizzle with chocolate. You’re still satisfying your sweet tooth, enjoying the fruit of the season, and getting more fibre and less sugar and fat than ice cream.

  1. Have a snack before you go.

Have a snack before you go that is a combination of protein and complex carbohydrate. A good option would be some fruit and nuts or peanut butter, whole grain crackers and cheese. This will fill you up and keep you full long enough to avoid the chips and dip that often appear before the BBQ when everyone is arriving.

  1. Easy on the sangria.

Alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine, and sangria usually make an appearance. These drinks can add up quickly especially if mixed with high sugar beverages. If you are having beer or alcohol, limit it to 1-2 drinks with dinner. Drink water in between so you are still holding a drink in your hands and staying hydrated. If you prefer hard liquor mix the 1 oz serving with soda water or club soda. You can also try having half an ounce of alcohol instead of the full ounce, this way even if you have two drinks, it is equal to having one.

Also check out our Global TV Segment on: 

Healthy Eating Nutrition Tips For The Summer Time

Nutrition tips by Winnipeg Registered dietitian summer healthy eating


Nutrition tips by Winnipeg Registered dietitian summer healthy eating



Do you need help with meal planning or how to plan healthy balanced meals that energize?

A nutrition coach can help! We decode the mystery of a healthy balanced diet and help you feel good about your nutrition! Make the changes you need to feel your best.

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*Nutrition tips by Winnipeg Registered Dietitian Amberlee Anderson