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Wouldn’t it be nice to have the time to cook a fresh homemade meal every night?

Ya, it would be amazing.  But for most of us, it is not practical.

So what happens, is we grab takeout.  We end up feeling bad about the money we are spending and the food we are eating.

How do we fix this?

It’s time to embrace leftovers.

Before you turn up your nose and stop reading, hear me out!

Leftovers can be soggy and unappealing but it’s usually because of a bad recipe choice.

What makes a great leftover?

  • Ingredients that take the same amount of time to reheat.
  • Hearty veggies, such as carrots, reheat well.
  • Soups, Stews & Curries can actually taste better the next day
  • Cooked components, such as sliced grilled chicken or steak make a great topping on a salad.

Here 5 recipes that make great leftovers

Easy Greek Pasta Salad

Easy Greek Pasta Salad

5-Minute Breakfast Frittata

Instant Pot Vegan Peanut Stew

Instant Pot Vegan Peanut Stew

Egg Noodle Bake

Chicken & Basil Sausage Soup

Remember:  A leftover can simply be a cooked component that your turn into an entirely different meal.

Here is my recipe for shredded chicken, it can easily be turned into many different meals

How to batch cook chicken for easy meal prep

Here is a great recipe that uses shredded chicken

Shredded Chicken with Veggies & Rice

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I often tell my clients to cook once and eat twice.   You will save a ton of time and dishes.
