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This time of year many people who are looking to make health resolutions often turn to restrictive diets to improve their health.

Our Winnipeg-based Registered Dietitian Susan Watson was interviewed on Global TV to discuss non-diet habits to invest in your health this year. 

Watch Our 4 Non Diet Habits Video Below

If I can give one piece of advice to anyone for 2020, it would be to not go on a diet to lose weight. This is because diets rarely have lasting long-term results.

In fact, most people regain the weight they lost within 2-5 years and are often heavier than before they started the diet. These are shocking facts! But the reality is that research shows that restrictive dieting has a 95% failure rate and may have a serious psychological impact on one’s self-esteem, body image, moods and can put people at a higher risk for developing an eating disorder. 

When people think about getting healthy, they often have thoughts of “lose weight and get healthy.”  However, we can get healthy without focusing on losing weight. Yes, you heard me. 

To truly be healthy, we need to stop viewing weight loss as a goal, but rather an outcome of improving health behaviors. Instead of going on a diet this year, I am encouraging people to invest in their health with a whole body self-care approach. 

1. Ditch the diet-mentality and ignore the false hope that diets are the answer to losing weight quickly and permanently.  Need help ditching diets? Check out our Intuitive Eating Programs 

2. Honour your hunger, and keep your body fueled to prevent getting hangry. Otherwise, you can trigger a primal drive to overeat. Once you have excess hunger, all intentions of moderation usually go out the window. 

3. Tackle emotional eating by learning how to cope with your feelings without using food. Food won’t fix feelings or solve problems. Find ways to comfort, nurture, distract and resolve your issues without using food. 

Concerned about your food cravings? Check out our online course Curb your Cravings! Get 10% off when you >>> CLICK HERE <<<

4. Make peace with food. Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. Restriction almost always leads to bingeing, so don’t forbid yourself foods as it has a rebound effect that triggers overeating.

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